any creepers?
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Age 35, Male
Netherlands, NL
Joined on 3/16/02
any creepers?
Nope, those creatures are made up especially for Minecraft and won't be in my game.
There is already a 2d game based on minecraft called terreria. It's much nicer looking too.
If you properly read my post you would've seen I'm aware of Terraria and in my opinion Terraria looks horrible, both by the style of sprites and the blocky lightning engine.
Yeah I don't really like minecraft because of it's lack of objectives. I played for a while and it got boring pretty soon.
I'm looking forward to this one.
Yeah, same. Building things is nice for a while but after that you want to use 'em with is hard when there's nothing to do other than collect blocks and items.
You are remaking Blocks that Matter except with zelda style overworld?
Not at all, it won't be a puzzle game.
Dude i love you for this.
Can i be a beta tester or something?
Everyone will be a beta tester, the game will be free - forever.
For Christ sake, make it have XP. Those games would've been so much better if they had a XP system.
Possibly, but I certainly not agree that experience and a leveling system makes everything better.
Bold, man. Fuckin' bold.
This isn't really selling me on the concept. Is a story all that separates this from the other Minecraft clones?
I haven't really been keeping up, but I understand Minecraft is supposed to be coming out with an adventure mode of some kind.
Nope, there will be lots of differences from the other games. The Adventure update in Minecraft merely adds some random buildings to explore, still with no purpose at all.
You'd be surprised at how wrong you are when you actually play Terraria, that's just my two cents though. Also not trying to sound like a douche, but looking at this and what you've explained down below this is going to be a more tedious version of minecraft even if you add in a story/quests it won't bring in replay value. Once you've done it once you won't ever do it again, or at least for a long time.(not to mention it being 2d). If I want a 2d Minecraft I'll play Terraria. Good luck anyways.
I played Terraria and it's a welcome change in the genre, still, it's not to my taste. I could go rage, moun, complain - instead I decided to make my own game.
It's really early in development though, so I don't have an exact idea how this will end so I'm trying to find out what people like best.
You're coming off a little strongly by insulting similar games such as Terraria. I want to know what your game offers that is different enough to draw me away from my other games, not why you think games I already feel passionate about are bad.
Also, I have no idea if you're intentionally selling Minecraft short by saying that the Adventure update is just adding buildings, or if you're not aware that there will be more Minecraft updates that work on the adventuring side of things.
Best of luck with the game! It looks very pretty so far!
Well, first of all: my game is free. So even if you try it and decide you don't like it, just quit it - wouldn't cost you a thing :)
That aside, I love Minecraft, Terarria etc. Those are great games but I don't like 'em enough to keep playing so I'm gonna see how and what I could improve.
I know the Adventure Update is alot more, but it's not the Adventure Update people really wanted. With quests, NPC characters and a real purpose to explore the world.
Thanks though :)
is your character meant to look like simon from the yogscast or is it just a couisidence P.S i cant spell for shit
Hm, well Simon is suppose to be a dwarf. I just took some popular dwarf astatics like an orange beard, helmet with horns and such. But yeah, it looks like Simon!
Meh. I don't think the game will be too good since there is already a copy of Minecraft, only in 2D (i'm not talking about Terraria, btw) and that game was pretty shit, so that's what i always expect when i hear about a 2D MC clone. I HOPE this won't fail epicly like that game.
Don't speak too soon :) The difference between me and many clone makers is that I've been making my own games since 2005 with success. I know what to do and what not to do.
HOLY F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!