reminds me a bit of jack russel with the limited bar of stuff and the side scrolling goal orientation.
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Age 35, Male
Netherlands, NL
Joined on 3/16/02
reminds me a bit of jack russel with the limited bar of stuff and the side scrolling goal orientation.
Indeed it does!
I noticed that some of the puzzles were solvable without using pause time, are the levels shown finalized, because people would be complaining about how easy the game was...
The first time you solve a puzzle without pausing the time you'll actually get an achievement. But don't worry, the stages get harder to solve and there are quite a few elements not shown here. Like fans, most scrolling stages and actual enemies.
I think there's like a hundred other time-puzzle games out there already... isn't the solution to every puzzle just to use the pause mechanic to get through? I know you were dieing in the video before figuring it out, but REALLY I think everyone would just figure that out after a couple levels.
See above. Theres never enough time-puzzle games, I think they're great for puzzle games since pausing or rewinding time is mind boggling by itself.
yay, another minimalist platformer.
Yay, another non-overly-complex retro game based on the days games were actually good.
Would be cool if there were circumstances where you had to set in motion (during pause time) things that could of pause would be needed to complete level.
Hm, I get what you mean but would be hard to explain to the player.
did you purposely die in some of those?
I did, would be going way to fast if I actually played with the skill...I mean really, if you create a game you're gonna play it every few minutes and you become a master of it. Which is bad, 'cause you'd higher the difficulty level and things get out of hand.
Looks like this game has everything it promises in the title!
Normally I go crazy with my titles but I thought whatever, PauseTime it is.