At first glance the new audio portal has gone even worse than it was before. The audio portal is there to give developers and animators a good choice of music for their submissions without all the copyright hassle.
But how about the browsing hassle? When I'm making a game I'm looking for a style of music, not a genre. Let's say I have a menu with a hero showing...where would I look, techno? rock? Why isn't there just a style called "Orchestral". Wouldn't styles likes suspense, cheerful, horror and romantic make much more sense.
Why do I have to got to a new page every single fucking time I would like to listen to a piece of music that might be good for my game? What do I care for an animation playing in the beat of my music, I'm looking for music not entertainment.
The new audio portal sucks even more than the old, I'll stick to the risk of copyright violation. That's alot easier than browsing through the most graphical website on the net, after Gamespot that is.
The rest of the redesign all seems to work well and looks great. Seems like the audio portal is being left out of this whole redesign.
that's actually a good point. I really liked all the visual parts but I didn't think about how much of a hassle it would if I was in a hurry. And it does suck that there's so much to load on every page.