Check out upcoming projects and a whole lot of (free to use) game assets at my website!

Kenney @Kenney

Age 35, Male


Netherlands, NL

Joined on 3/16/02

Exp Points:
4,090 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.16 votes
Police Officer
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Kenney's News

Posted by Kenney - December 22nd, 2010

I could tell you what I did in 2010, but just watch the video below:

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For 2011 I already have lots of ideas for projects and I even started some already.

Agent Box
Physics based puzzle mixed with espionage action.

Chalkland (working title)
Point 'n click adventure, pictured below.

But that's not all, heck, that's not even 1/5th of it. New releases of Ballista with plenty of new stages and updates, Cave Copter will make a return, there's a defense game, a 2-in-1 game pack (since part 1 has never been released on NG, I'll make a pack especially for NG), a topdown stealth game...There's a lot to come.

But for now I'm gonna wish you all happy holidays and make sure you survive until 2011. Take care!

What I did in 2010, what I will do in 2011.

Posted by Kenney - October 27th, 2010

Ballista Level Pack 1 is almost done but don't go thinking it's only new levels, oh no, I've read all the reviews and comments placed on the game and did my best improving the game and fixing or improving everything. Here's a list of new features:

- The game has more levels
- The game is more difficult
- The game has more upgrades
- The upgrades have a larger impact on the game
- There are more different sorts of balloons
- Level selection
- Achievements
- Eastereggs
- Cheats
- Keyboard controls
- Language selection (and the game will be translated in 8 different languages)

Good enough for you? Great. Up next: the secret.

I've released Super Mario Star Scramble 2: Ghost Island a couple of days ago and I'm actually surprised nobody found the secret. You simply click the hole in the A where it says "SELECT A STAGE" on the level selection screen. By doing that you'll be able to play a replica of level 1 - 1 of the original Super Mario Bros. for NES! Enjoy!

Play Super Mario Star Scramble 2: Ghost Island!

And now...

I've made a t-shirt design for a contest for a popular webshop DealExtreme based in China, unfortunatly there's now a voting round (I hate those, people cheat anyways) and I would love if you could simply vote for my design!

Simply go to the page below and vote for design #20, but be aware that you have to vote for 3 designs, I suggest #92 and #93 since those are the lowest scoring ones.

Here's the page you have to vote: http://blog.dealextreme.com/t-shirt-de sign-vote/

I can't check if you really voted so for a chance to win Left4Dead2 you have to retweet my Twitter message, you can find it right here:


You don't have to follow me and I don't mind how much followers you have, just retweet :)

I will select a winner on October 30th, that's also the day the DealExtreme contest closes so hurry up and tell your friends!



Posted by Kenney - October 20th, 2010

Looking for some quick and dirty cash? :D Look no further, I need someone to make 10 levels for a new game, the levels take less than 10 minutes each to make and all the elements are there for you to use.

$60 through PayPal.
You NEED a 3.00+ scoring submission on Newgrounds made by yourself, no collabrations.

Reply or message :)

PS. If you do your job well I might hire you more in the future!


Level designer wanted ($$$)

Posted by Kenney - September 27th, 2010

You read it right. Create a Ballista level using the easy to use level editor, upload it, make sure it gets approved and you get $1 USD (valid PayPal account required). No strings attached, no scam.

But the main thing to consider is: it must get approved otherwise you won't get your buck.

Well, how do my levels get approved then?

Make sure your level is entertaining, fun, challenging but not impossible to beat. I only approve levels when I need levels and I will do so in batches. So every 30 or 40 levels I receive I will start approving and sending money so don't go mad if you don't receive your money instantly.

Why are you doing this?

Every batch, so 30 or 40 levels I'm going to compile a Ballista Level Pack, so your levels will be used in Ballista level packs. If isn't fair to not thank users for creating these levels and what's better than receiving a reward for it.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating levels!
You can find the level editor here: http://ballista.kenney.nl/

If you need inspiration, play the Ballista game on NG right here:

Create a level earn a buck!

Posted by Kenney - August 6th, 2010

Here's a little development update on what I'm doing right now.

These games are finished and will be released soon:
- Colob (released today!)
- Ballista
- Iron Champ 2
- Shop Tycoon

And I'm working on Asent, which will be a top down espionage puzzle game. You can see a time lapse of me working on it here, it's about half an hour sped up.

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Posted by Kenney - May 25th, 2010

Colob is not your average sliding block game, in fact, it doesn't involve sliding blocks at all! In Colob all you get is a board which consists of colored tiles which will promptly flip to show their grey backs, now it's up to you to find all the blocks with a specific color.

There are 4 game modes (Time Attack, Shuffle, Survival and Shuffle Survival) and for $0.99/EU0,79 it's a steal! Go get it now!

Download/buy (App Store)

PS. I will probably be making a Flash version of the game so don't worry you people which don't have an iPod or iPhone...just like me.

Colob for iPhone/iPod now available!

Posted by Kenney - May 10th, 2010

Since the original game, Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble, got 17 million views (and counting) it shouldn't be a surprise for there to be a sequel, here's the trailer - expect it this week:

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Posted by Kenney - April 2nd, 2010

Yep, Colorbot 2 is out now! I read all the reviews for Colorbot 1 and improved everthing. There are game modes now, different enemies, power-ups, an option for colorblind people and much more!

Check it out:
Play Colorbot 2 Now!

In other [development] news I'm currently working on a new version of The New Land, Shop Tycoon and Martin Mole and later this month I'll start with a sequel to Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble because it hit 10 million (woah!) views which is worth a sequel.

Enjoy the game and don't forget to cast your vote!

(In development screenshot of The New Land)

Colorbot 2 released!

Posted by Kenney - March 23rd, 2010

First, Lockerz is great. It looks like scam and smells like fraud but it actually seems legit because of the deals with various video companies and if it's not - whatever, it won't cost you much time to get points. Basicly, you log-in daily and watch some videos and you get points - once a month the store opens and you can spend your points.

I got enough points to buy a PS3 game (Uncharted 2 FTW) in like 3 days, so, check it out.

No wait, you can't sign-up. You need to be invited, so PM me your e-mail if you'd like an invite.

Next up I released a new game, it's basicly an expansion of Slip 'n Slide Plus (people sent me alot of levels so I had some left from Slip 'n Slide).

Check it out: Slip 'n Slide Plus

I'm currently working on Shop Tycoon and Colorbot 2 (check below, it'll be awesome!).

For Colorbot 2 I read all the reviews of Colorbot 1 and fixed them ALL! Yeah, it's colorblind friendly, there's more modes, powerups, different enemies, levels, and even a mode where you can upgrade your bot between stages! AWESOME!

Lockerz, new game and announcement!

Posted by Kenney - February 28th, 2010

Part 2 on my tutorial on how to create a simple game in Flash is now online:

Spaceship Tutorial Part 2: Making it shoot

and part 1 if you're missed it:

Spaceship Tutorial Part 1: Moving it

Oh and here's a little update on development, I've recently figured out how to use physics in games and my head is exploding with ideas on how to incorporate it in a fun way:

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And last but not least: (this is just a mock-up image though)

New tutorial and development update!